NeftTi Directory

Practitioner Listing Info

If you are a NeftTi Conscious EFT™ practitioner wanting to get NEWLY listed into the directory, please contact us to request the link to register yourself on the directory website and pay the yearly fee to be listed.

If you had a login for already, your login should work here. (before April 2023)

Before you submit your listing, please ensure the following criteria are met for eligibility:

  1.  You are a member in good standing of at least the practitioner level with NeftTi.
  2. Currently mentoring with NeftTi/Nancy Forrester privately or Part of the ENGAGE program.

Benefits of Directory Listing

  1. Open doors for more exposure to clients specifically looking for practitioners professionally trained in EFT.
  2. Setting yourself apart from confusing array of people “selling tapping”.
  3. Listing is a step towards becoming an “Approved NeftTi Provider” of Intro to Conscious EFT™ presentations and Specialty Topic Conscious EFT™ Workshops. If this interests you, as well, please indicate your interest by sending an email to

A fee of $40 yearly plus tax is applicable before your listing will be visible to public.  You will be given a link to set up an automatic payment schedule for this yearly payment that covers admin costs.

If you’re ready to take this step and meet the criteria, either connect with us for a link to register on this website OR login using your login.